
5 Ways To Be Resilient

Let’s be honest, life is hard. There are a million different obstacles, struggles, and ultimately lessons put in our paths each and every day. So, what should you do to build resiliency to them? Well, there are two ways to take these obstacles- either as a way to shut down or a way to glow up. I’d rather take the later, how about you? Life becomes much more radiant when you stop playing the role of the victim and instead take up the role of the warrior. However, it does take a vast amount of resilience to do that. It takes a hell of a lot of mental strength to get there. And honestly speaking, it can be extremely challenging to build up that shield for yourself!

In this article, I’m sharing five of the best ways to channel that warrior within when you find yourself confronted with struggle and adversity.

  1. Find your tribe, love them hard. The saying is true and speaks for itself. You need to find those people who support you NO MATTER WHAT. Who will be by your side, whether you are struggling or excelling. You need to find those like-minded people who will not let you settle in any dimension of your life. Who push you to be better, daily. Who love your scars even more than your perfections. Those are the ones who have the keys to your sanity— keep them close!
  2. Change your mindset. Let’s get this straight. It’s not “Why me?” it’s “Try me!” You have all the power within you to get through what you are going through.  You also have enough intelligence to know that it won’t be the last challenge to come your way. So hold on to what’s good, value the lesson, change for the better and encourage the ones yet to come.
  3. Keep going. Seems easy, right? Not always. I know there have been days where I haven’t even wanted to get out of bed, crippled with fear and anxiety. But hiding away from the challenges will only increase their intensity. When a lesson is put in your path, the struggle intended to bring you to that lesson will persist until you acknowledge it. Therefore, don’t waste time. Let the discomfort, ego, pride, shame, guilt, whatever it is, let it come and let it go. Remember, it’s only temporary.
  4. Envision your future self.  Stop wasting time on what might have been. Because if it was going to be, it would already be. Let’s think of that future you- what does she look like? Picture her….dream without fear or hesitation. As we saw at #2, the mind is a powerful tool—- use it!
  5. Be a self love soldier. Fight to love yourself, every single day. There’s a lot to love.  You have this powerful presence on earth to do just that. If you are going to hate on yourself because you are learning, well then buckle up, because it’s going to become so much harder to move forward. However, if you can find a way to laugh through the tears, situations will become much lighter. And you will see that it doesn’t have to always be a storm of darkness. You can control how you feel about yourself, carry yourself, and present yourself even in the face of adversity.

The take away? Keep being you. That will be your greatest strength. Xo