Meet the Young Girl Collaborating with Drake’s Dad on a New Clothing Line
Content Producer/Interviewer: Donnel Perry
Sweden’s youngest and most popular music video directors Nikeisha Andersson, is making a lot of noise in the industry. She’s directed music videos for for prominent musicians such as Elliphant, Sabina Ddumba, Zara Larsson, OIAM and Tove Styrke—to name a few—she’s also produced videos for major commercial clients such as UEFA Champions League and Swedish Idol. Donnel Perry, our content producer, caught up with Nikeisha to discuss how she first got involved in film and her collaboration with Drake’s Dad, Mr. Dennis Graham.
DP: Did you go to school for media/film or are you self taught?
NA: In high school, I started out studying Natural Science. However, during my second year of high school my interest for film had grown so strong I decided to enroll in a media school even though my professors told me otherwise.
DP: What are three major keys you’ve learned along your journey?
NA: Always follow your guts, be kind, and never stop.
DP: What led you to begin your journey as a videographer & entrepreneur?
NA: My aunt, who raised me when my mom was working, was murdered by her karate trainer when I was 9 years old. That incident made me give up on life.
But one day, after watching an episode of ”Charmed”, I suddenly started laughing and was like; ”damn if this tv-show can make me laugh when I feel this shitty, I want to be able to inspire and affect others through video as well”.
DP: Can you tell us about your relationship with Mr.Quincy Jones 3rd & what you guys are working on together?
NA: He asked me to help him with a documentary about Tupac. The documentary, with 5000 hours of unseen footage of Tupac, mostly filmed by Quincy himself, is to be released this summer.
DP: Can you tell us how you initially connected with Mr.Dennis Graham & what led to you receiving an OVO Owl chain?
NA: Dennis is like my big brother, I love him to death. I don’t know what made him give it to me, but he told me I was family when he gave it so I guess it’s a family thing lol.
DP: How do you demand respect and maintain your morals and integrity as a woman working in the entertainment industry?
NA: “Growing” up in the industry I did not notice that much. I started working with Sony Music in Sweden when I was only 16 years old and I must say that 90 % of the staff I worked was Swedish middle aged men. They all supported me and showed me a lot of respect.
DP: I heard you & Drake’s Father, Mr.Dennis Graham, are coming out with a clothing line as well. May we have more details on this endeavor between the both of you?
NA: We both like clothes so we were like, let’s do a brand and now it’s happening, lol.
DP: Are there anymore details you can tell us in reference to Mr.Dennis Graham’s single & music video release the two of you have been working on?
NA: I heard the song and immedeatly got a vision, like I always do when I hear a song for the first time. It’s super weird, everytime I hear a song I instantly see the video. The song is finally mixed and mastered, should be released on NOISEY/VICE soon.
DP: I also saw you in pictures with Drake’s Mom, do you mind us asking how/where/when that came about?
NA: I met her through Denis. She taught me that there are winners and there are losers. She is a very wise woman.
DP: I’ve seen you with a few familiar superstars. Can you tell us what’s your relationship with Honey Coca (Honey Cocaine), Ms.Rita Ora, & Mr.Spike Lee?
NA: Honey C is cool, she goes by the name Honey C nowadays just to point that out there lol. I dont now Rita, we started to talk when we kinda bumped into each other at LAX and we looked weird at each other cause we were kinda wearing the same clothes haha and then we started to look for our gate together. She is cool, but I don’t know her like that. Spike Lee invited me to have a glass of champagne with him. Yeah that was crazy.
DP: Is It true out in Sweden you were on a list for top Women of The Year? Can you tell us more about this accomplishment!
NA: Yeah it’s crazy!! You can read about it on this site below!
I never thought I would be considered one of Sweden’s top 10 women.
Or do you mean the ”Women of the Year List” by the financial magazine ”Veckans Affärer” (Business Weekly)? That was also a big accomplishment and extremely flattering of course. But, being a super woman is cool too, and I know I haven’t explored all of my super powers yet☺
DP: Who would you say are your role models? Where do you gain your inspiration and motivation to keep progressing?
NA: Society. I get inspired by situations and people. People’s choices and the way they act inspires me no matter if they’re good or bad. I always want to accomplish greatness and make people happier. Positive vibes are the best vibes.
DP: Can you tell us details about the FlashMob event that led you to being contacted by Sony Music?
NA: Shakira had a campaign “waka waka” where she was encouraging people to dance for kids in Africa so me and my friend decided to do a flashmob in the centre of Stockholm and around 700 hundred people showed up – MAD CRAZY! Sony later contacted us when we published the event and wanted to collaborate.
DP: In your time doing PR for Jung Relations, you managed to get 5 nominations at the Sabre Awards? Can you tell us more about this award show for our viewers in the states and details of this experience.
NA: Sabre Awards is the world’s biggest marketing awards and I edited two videos together with Jung Relations. But we recieved five nominations together so that was very cool. I was 19 when that happened so I don’t really know how I felt but I think the feeling is even greater now when I look back at it. When I’m in the making process, nothing really matters. I just want to do a good job. The client is not really the case in the making process, the result and the process is.
DP: Since the inception of Nikeisha Andersson Films in 2011, you’ve done over 100 music videos. Can you give us some of your favorite projects you’ve worked on since your company started.
NA: I think all of the videos my team and I have done are meaningful because every production has its own story. But my favorite?… Hm probably my first feature film that I am working on now “MONEY PROBLEM”(Para Knas). I have written the script together with Swedish rapper MXHXN (Mahan Movahednia). We will start filming this summer and are just about to finish casting.
DP: How was it meeting the infamous Lady Gaga?
NA: Wow! You guys know a lot! Hahah. She is a really down to earth person, a really good person!!!
DP: For the young women who look up to you, is Nikeisha Andersson Films currently accepting interns or are there any opportunities open for aspiring artists/videographers/ etc to connect with you & your team?
NA: First, I don’t want anybody to look up to me, I don’t look up or down at anyone, we are all the same. Let’s look at each other instead. We are currently accepting interns, yes☺